Jurisdictional Determinants Of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Contemporary Critique
International Convention for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has incorporated a specialized jurisdiction under the auspicious of the World Bank Group. The convention has promulgated a standing offer for the investors of the contracting states to invoke ICSID jurisdiction on the fulfilment of some determinants. ICSID tribunals have amplified the application of these determinants to the extent to overshadow the legitimate rights of sovereign states. The magnification of standards of determinants of investor-state dispute settlement has caused unpredictability of ICSID jurisdiction. Uniform and predictable standards of determinant have the potential to strengthen and promote this mechanism of institutional settlement of investment disputes.
Jurisdictional Determinants, State Dispute, Jurisdiction, Investor, Investment
(1) Ali Nawaz Khan
Assistant Professor, University Law College, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
(2) Naveed Ahmad
Assistant Professor, University Law College, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
(3) Bakht Munir
Lecturer, Institute of Languages and Linguistics, New Campus, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
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APA : Khan, A. N., Ahmad, N., & Munir, B. (2020). Jurisdictional Determinants Of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Contemporary Critique. Global Economics Review, V(IV), 47-57. https://doi.org/10.31703/ger.2020(V-IV).05
CHICAGO : Khan, Ali Nawaz, Naveed Ahmad, and Bakht Munir. 2020. "Jurisdictional Determinants Of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Contemporary Critique." Global Economics Review, V (IV): 47-57 doi: 10.31703/ger.2020(V-IV).05
HARVARD : KHAN, A. N., AHMAD, N. & MUNIR, B. 2020. Jurisdictional Determinants Of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Contemporary Critique. Global Economics Review, V, 47-57.
MHRA : Khan, Ali Nawaz, Naveed Ahmad, and Bakht Munir. 2020. "Jurisdictional Determinants Of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Contemporary Critique." Global Economics Review, V: 47-57
MLA : Khan, Ali Nawaz, Naveed Ahmad, and Bakht Munir. "Jurisdictional Determinants Of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Contemporary Critique." Global Economics Review, V.IV (2020): 47-57 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Ali Nawaz, Ahmad, Naveed, and Munir, Bakht (2020), "Jurisdictional Determinants Of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Contemporary Critique", Global Economics Review, V (IV), 47-57
TURABIAN : Khan, Ali Nawaz, Naveed Ahmad, and Bakht Munir. "Jurisdictional Determinants Of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Contemporary Critique." Global Economics Review V, no. IV (2020): 47-57. https://doi.org/10.31703/ger.2020(V-IV).05