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Cite this article
APA : Khan, S. U., Shah, S. I., & Shafiq, M. (2023). Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Self-Efficacy on Individuals' Investment Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk-Taking Behavior. Global Economics Review, VIII(III), 42-55.
CHICAGO : Khan, Saleem Ullah, Syed Imad Shah, and Muhammad Shafiq. 2023. "Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Self-Efficacy on Individuals' Investment Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk-Taking Behavior." Global Economics Review, VIII (III): 42-55 doi: 10.31703/ger.2023(VIII-III).04
HARVARD : KHAN, S. U., SHAH, S. I. & SHAFIQ, M. 2023. Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Self-Efficacy on Individuals' Investment Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk-Taking Behavior. Global Economics Review, VIII, 42-55.
MHRA : Khan, Saleem Ullah, Syed Imad Shah, and Muhammad Shafiq. 2023. "Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Self-Efficacy on Individuals' Investment Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk-Taking Behavior." Global Economics Review, VIII: 42-55
MLA : Khan, Saleem Ullah, Syed Imad Shah, and Muhammad Shafiq. "Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Self-Efficacy on Individuals' Investment Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk-Taking Behavior." Global Economics Review, VIII.III (2023): 42-55 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Saleem Ullah, Shah, Syed Imad, and Shafiq, Muhammad (2023), "Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Self-Efficacy on Individuals' Investment Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk-Taking Behavior", Global Economics Review, VIII (III), 42-55
TURABIAN : Khan, Saleem Ullah, Syed Imad Shah, and Muhammad Shafiq. "Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Self-Efficacy on Individuals' Investment Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk-Taking Behavior." Global Economics Review VIII, no. III (2023): 42-55.