02 Pages : 12-21      10.31703/ger.2021(VI-III).02      Published : Sep 2021

Women Status in Labour Market of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa..

    This study analyses the woman's status labourmarket of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Four workingstates: self-employed, paid employees, and unpaid family helperswere investigated. Data were collected about individuals andhousehold characteristics of women aged between (15-60) yearsfrom the Pakistan Social and Living Standard MeasurementSurvey (PSLM, 2014-15). The estimated results based onMultinomial Logit (MNL) suggest a positive and significant impactof women's age on all working categories in the labour market. Thewoman who owns a house, or the married woman, with multiplechildren or having a combined family system, or the residents ofthe countryside have less likelihood to take part in paid works.Participation in paid works decreases with the increase in thenumber of children, whereas participation in self-employmentincreases with the increase in the number of children. Theprobability of female participation in all four working statesincreases with the increase in the number of working individualsin the family. Whereas, probability of women's participation in thelabor market decrease with the Joint family system, house owning,marriage, or higher household income.

    Labour Market, Women Status, Labor Force Participation, Multinomial Model
    (1) Tamanna Bibi
    PhD Research Scholar, Department of Economics, University of Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Amjad Amin
    Assistant professor, Department of Economics, University of Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Jabbar ul Haq
    Assistant professor, Department of Economics, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Bibi, Tamanna, Amjad Amin, and Jabbar ul Haq. 2021. "Women Status in Labour Market of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa..." Global Economics Review, VI (III): 12-21 doi: 10.31703/ger.2021(VI-III).02
    HARVARD : BIBI, T., AMIN, A. & HAQ, J. U. 2021. Women Status in Labour Market of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa... Global Economics Review, VI, 12-21.
    MHRA : Bibi, Tamanna, Amjad Amin, and Jabbar ul Haq. 2021. "Women Status in Labour Market of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa..." Global Economics Review, VI: 12-21
    MLA : Bibi, Tamanna, Amjad Amin, and Jabbar ul Haq. "Women Status in Labour Market of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa..." Global Economics Review, VI.III (2021): 12-21 Print.
    OXFORD : Bibi, Tamanna, Amin, Amjad, and Haq, Jabbar ul (2021), "Women Status in Labour Market of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa..", Global Economics Review, VI (III), 12-21