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APA : Hayat, M., Khan, S., & Malik, M. F. (2019). CSR's Pattern and Trends within Multinational Enterprises Operating in China. Global Economics Review, IV(II), 119-140.
CHICAGO : Hayat, Maqsood, Shehzad Khan, and Muhammad Faizan Malik. 2019. "CSR's Pattern and Trends within Multinational Enterprises Operating in China." Global Economics Review, IV (II): 119-140 doi: 10.31703/ger.2019(IV-II).10
HARVARD : HAYAT, M., KHAN, S. & MALIK, M. F. 2019. CSR's Pattern and Trends within Multinational Enterprises Operating in China. Global Economics Review, IV, 119-140.
MHRA : Hayat, Maqsood, Shehzad Khan, and Muhammad Faizan Malik. 2019. "CSR's Pattern and Trends within Multinational Enterprises Operating in China." Global Economics Review, IV: 119-140
MLA : Hayat, Maqsood, Shehzad Khan, and Muhammad Faizan Malik. "CSR's Pattern and Trends within Multinational Enterprises Operating in China." Global Economics Review, IV.II (2019): 119-140 Print.
OXFORD : Hayat, Maqsood, Khan, Shehzad, and Malik, Muhammad Faizan (2019), "CSR's Pattern and Trends within Multinational Enterprises Operating in China", Global Economics Review, IV (II), 119-140
TURABIAN : Hayat, Maqsood, Shehzad Khan, and Muhammad Faizan Malik. "CSR's Pattern and Trends within Multinational Enterprises Operating in China." Global Economics Review IV, no. II (2019): 119-140.